I’m going to point out all the disadvantages of free hosting services so that you really understand what a pile of rubbish they really are. For starters, the amount of web space available to you is extremely limited, and you will not be able to add features that customers like, such as message boards, forums, or games. These three things bring in a lot of traffic and the option is always there with a paid hosting service. Another disadvantage is that search engines sometimes just ignore the free sites and put sites built with an original domain name higher up in the rankings. Also, when potential customers see that you are not independent, but rather linked to a different site, you may not seem as credible to them, and they may end up taking their business elsewhere. Pop up ads tend to be a problem with free hosting services and, finally, the most important point: you won’t have a unique domain name. It will be attached to the main site of the hosting service in the URL. This makes them no better than a blogging site or a social networking page.
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In order to find out more on Overselling in Hosting and similar website and webmaster related guides, check out Webhosting Reviews.]]>
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