The absolute first thing that you will have to have will be hosting. Proper hosting is an essential piece of this format because of the fact that this entire format relies upon whether or not your hosting service will unlock cron job functionality for your account. Cron jobs are time-automated scripts that are activated by the hosts server. These jobs carefully run special PHP scripts in a timely fashion so as to automatically run any script called for. In the case of an automated blog, a cron job would be used to activate specialized coding that automatically checks an RSS feed of a news directory to see if new material has been made available since the last cron job. If an update is discovered, then the new information found on the feed is syndicated to the automatic content blog with all of the resource and author links intact.
The next thing that is needed will be a domain name related to the niche of interest. The URL or domain name or address should reflect the micro niche of the market being entered. Preferably, the domain address would contain key terms of interest to your niche. This will assist it in efforts to rank higher in the search engine results for that keyword. Although, a keyword as a unique domain name is not the only SERP ranking factor for a particular keyword, having your exact match search phrase of interest or preferably an exact match of your keyword of interest will help your efforts to get you site to post a respectable SERP ranking greatly. Once you have acquired a URL or domain name or address, update the Domain Name Servers provided by your high quality hosting service for your URL or domain name or address. The update usually takes about 24 hours.
Once hosting is located and acquired and the name servers are updated, set up the latest version of the WordPress blogging platform. Now, almost all hosting offers the Fantastico De Luxe script installation script preloaded on all of their servers. If this is the case, simply open the Fantastico DeLuxe icon and easily install WordPress. It can either be under the root of your domain of in a sub-folder or on a sub-domain.
About the Author:
When you have done all of these things, install the WordPress Autoblog Plugin as recommended by TheBitBot SEM Blog.]]>
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